Economic Value Calculator
Unlock Savings
with Virtual Nursing
Our Economic Value Calculator helps you quantify the financial and operational impacts of implementing virtual nursing and virtual sitting at the bedside. Sample a portion of our full calculator here – exploring just the nursing hours saved from virtual admissions and discharges alone. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Learn more and sign up below to get your full analysis!
About Our Full Virtual Care
Economic Value Calculator
Take the guesswork out of your virtual care investments. Using your unique inputs, our team will walk you through our comprehensive calculator to give you a detailed view of potential savings from not only recouped time, but clinical and resource cost reductions as well. Set up a call to see the full calculator to better understand the financial impacts of scaling virtual care across your healthcare organization!
Resource Cost Reduction
Reduce turnover, agency reliance, and overtime costs by freeing up time at the bedside.
Clinical Cost Avoidance
Reduce costly hospital-acquired infections and readmissions using modern workflows.
Recouped Time
Redistribute tasks to streamline clinical processes and improve capacity.