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Using Telehealth to Monitor Patients and Protect Staff During COVID-19

Someone monitoring several patients at once through camera feeds on the computer

Caregility Vice President of Clinical Solutions Wendy Deibert recently sat down with Healthcare IT Today editor Colin Hung to discuss ways hospitals are using telehealth to monitor COVID-19 patients while keeping healthcare workers safe.

Virtual care recently skyrocketed to the top of the priority list for healthcare organizations as they sought ways to safely engage patients without contributing to the spread of the virus. Hospitals continue to ramp up telehealth services to:

  • Triage suspected COVID-19 patient cases
  • Monitor hospitalized patients while limiting COVID-19 exposure
  • Continue delivery of non-COVID-19 related clinical support

“I think it’s about getting the resource to patients no matter where they are. Clinicians of all kinds and types are spread so thin,” Deibert says. “Being able to scale and see more patients via virtual medicine is huge.”

Watch the full interview with Wendy Deibert to learn more about:

  • How she helped create the US’s first all-virtual hospital, Mercy Virtual
  • How virtual care can deliver great ROI
  • Equalizing care – bringing the same level of care to patients in rural areas
  • Where to start in implementing virtual care or sitting at your hospital

Read the full article on Healthcare IT Today: Using Virtual Care Inside a Hospital Makes an Impact

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