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Category: virtual observation

Virtual Observation: 8 Things to Look for in a Solution

Considering implementing virtual patient observation technology within your healthcare organization? Here are eight key features and capabilities to make sure you ask potential vendors about as you evaluate solutions.

  1. Is the system flexible enough to support one-way and two-way audio and video capability? Video-based engagement can help care teams build rapport with patients, improving the overall experience. Other times you may want only one-way video capability – for example, if you want to observe the patient, but don’t need them to be able to see the remote observer.

  2. Does the camera have pan, tilt, and zoom capability that allows the remote observer to virtually navigate the patient room?

  3. Is there an alerting and notification system that allows virtual observers to deploy clinical staff to the patient bedside quickly when needed?

  4. Does the camera have night vision capabilities so that staff can clearly observe patients when the room is dark?

  5. Does the system support interpreter service integration to ensure equitable care for patients with limited English proficiency (LEP)? Look for solutions that support multiple languages and are available 24/7.

  6. What types of reporting and analytics does the system provide to help you demonstrate ROI back to your organization?

  7. Can the software be delivered with a mobile cart or wall-mounted system? Can the hardware be installed from the ceiling or the wall, based on your room configuration? If you already have camera capability in the room, can the software integrate easily into your existing telehealth system or will you need to use a different device for each application?

  8. Is the technology scalable? What additional costs might there be if you want to leverage the solution across multiple facilities? What are the applicable licensing fees?

Learn more about key considerations that can help ensure long-term ROI on your virtual patient observation initiatives by downloading our white paper Best Practices for Tele-Sitting and Virtual Patient Observation.

How Augmented Video Analytics Are Transforming Care

On-Demand Webinar

How Augmented Video Analysis is Transforming Care for Patients & Staff

Today’s health and long-term care facilities must balance the tasks of providing high-quality care, maintaining labor costs and lowering liability risks. The COVID-19 pandemic added to those demands with rapidly changing regulations and a renewed focus on customer sentiment. As a result, care facilities are prioritizing technology-based solutions.

This webinar explores the care innovations made possible through the use of computer vision and machine learning technologies. Such solutions will be unavoidable in the future, as they improve care for residents, patients and staff.

Key learning points:

  • Reduce patient risk management by detecting elopement risk, wandering patients, missed meals and missed medication
  • Monitor wellness and acuity levels by tracking resident ambulatory speed, posture, and head pose in the nursing home setting
  • Comply with COVID-19 safety protocols by alerting on facemask and social distancing noncompliance of visitors and staff
  • Mitigate patient risk by detecting equipment tampering, falls, and self-harm

Considering Virtual Observation for Your Healthcare Organization

On-Demand Webinar

Considering Virtual Observation for Your Healthcare Organization?

Virtual observation programs can be used across the health system, including at acute care hospitals, at behavioral health facilities, and in post-acute settings. Virtual observation often serves as the first line of defense for at risk-patients, alerting staff to quickly intervene when needed to prevent adverse events.

In this webinar, Donna Gudmestad discusses various use cases for virtual observation technology and offers insight on key factors to consider when choosing a solution. You’ll learn:

  • How virtual observation systems work
  • Which patients are good candidates for virtual observation
  • Use cases for behavior management
  • How to assess patient risk
  • Legal considerations
  • What to look for in a virtual observation solution
  • Additional uses for virtual observation — including mitigating exposure risks
  • Return on investment implications

Considering Virtual Observation for Your Healthcare Organization?

Download the Whitepaper

Considering Virtual Observation for Your Healthcare Organization?

Virtual observation often serves as a first line of defense for at risk-patients. This whitepaper identifies use cases for this technology to help you implement an effective virtual observation strategy.

In this whitepaper, you will learn about:

  • How Virtual Observation systems work
  • Which patients are candidates for virtual observation
  • Use cases for behavior management
  • Legal considerations
  • Assessing patient risk
  • Physiological observation
  • What to look for in a solution