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Category: Clinical Decision Support

Spacelabs + Caregility

Using an FDA-cleared risk assessment measure (the Rothman Index, or RI), Spacelabs Healthcare enables Caregility virtual visits and care coordination from within the RI dashboard.

Facilities can leverage the RI to help prioritize treatment plan changes, transfers, palliative care referrals, and discharges.

By leveraging the Caregility virtual care platform, on-demand specialty consults and care coordination can be: 

 (1) Launched from within the Rothman Index dashboard 

(2) Prioritized based on actionable data 

Visit Spacelabs to learn more.

Philips + Caregility

Using a hospital EMR, through an HL-7 interface, Philips’ eCareManager provides key patient history to inform more actionable virtual care visits. Clinicians can initiate Caregility-powered virtual patient encounters and clinical consultations from within the platform.

As a suite of tools to help optimize patient and population health, eCareManager keeps telehealth and bedside teams apprised of patients’ conditions, also allowing for remote monitoring that conserves scarce staff time. Drawing on data from vital signs, medications, lab results and flowsheets, the platform sends Smart Alerts when clinically significant changes occur. 

Visit Philips to learn more.

CLEW + Caregility

Complementing Caregility’s virtual observation solution for ICUs, CLEW has launched the first FDA-cleared AI-powered predictive analytics platform in support of adult ICU patients.

In 2021, “CLEWICU,” CLEW’s AI-based ICU application, received the FDA’s first clearance to predict hemodynamic instability in adult patients. The platform provides warning of clinical deterioration up to eight hours in advance, and also identifies low-risk patients who are unlikely to deteriorate, thus improving ICU resource allocation. This tool complements CLEW’s previously FDA-cleared solution, which predicts respiratory deterioration in COVID-19 and other ICU patients.

Visit CLEW to learn more.